Trenholm State Technical College: Apparel & Designs Special Training Certificate1, 2, & 3.
Montgomery, Alabama
Department of Apparel & Designs
The Apparel and Designs curriculum at Trenholm State is structured to provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to produce safe and proficient services and quality products in the apparel field. Emphasis is placed on interior design in order to improve the function, safety, and aesthetics of interior spaces. In the program, students learn how to tailor and design apparel, identify and work with different types of textiles and analyze body figure types for design considerations. The program also focuses on implementing effective merchandising strategies and applying professional work ethics for careers in the Apparel and Designs Field or related fields.
What fashion related programs and degrees does Trenholm State Technical College offer?
As of 2011, Trenholm State Technical College offers the following degrees:
Apparel & Designs Special Training Certificate 1
Apparel & Designs Special Training Certificate 2
Apparel & Designs Special Training Certificate 3
What’s the school’s contact information?
Trenholm State Technical College
Department of Apparel and Designs
3920 Troy Highway
Montgomery, AL 36116
Phone: 334-420-4352
Type of school? Public
How much is tuition?
Tuition: $1,560
What is the typical student profile?
Trenholm State Technical College total undergraduate students: 1,733
Fashion program students: 16
What are the requirements to enter program?
Program requires a cumulative GPA of 2.0. Individuals applying for admission to the Apparel and Designs Program are required to be at least 18 years of age.
How long does it take to complete program?
It usually takes four years to complete a B.S. degree, two years to complete a M.S. degree and two or more years to complete a Ph D program.
How many faculty members does Trenholm State Technical College’s Design program have?
Faculty members: 1
What career placement services does Trenholm State Technical College provide?
Students at Trenholm are not required to participate in an internship however; internships are available to interested students. Trenholm interns are usually placed at department stores, furniture or custom home furnishing stores, fabric stores or tailor or dress-making shops. Faculty specializations and research projects focus on apparel designs and interior decorating.