The Art Institute of Dallas: Fashion Design
Dallas, Texas
Fashion Design Department
The Fashion Design program at The Art Institute of Dallas focuses on providing students with a thorough understanding of apparel production and manufacturing including flat pattern drafting, sewing, draping, and drawing and illustration techniques. Students learn to develop their creative ideas from concept to complete products and collections. Students use Computer Aided Design to learn pattern drafting and grading and textile design. The program also includes instruction in business practices, client relations, and industry procedures to prepare students for the real experience of the industry.
What fashion related programs and degrees does The Art Institute of Dallas offer?
As of 2011, The Art Institute of Dallas offers the following degrees:
AAA, BFA Fashion Design
What’s the school’s contact information?
The Art Institute of Dallas
Fashion Design Department
8080 Park Lane
Dallas, TX 75231
Phone: 800-275-4243
Type of School? Private
How much is tuition?
Annual tuition: $28,440
Room & Board: not available
What’s the typical student profile?
The Art Institute of Dallas total undergraduate students: 2,000
Fashion program students: 181
What are the requirements to enter program?
Not available
How long does it take to complete program?
It usually takes four years to complete a B.S. degree, two years to complete a M.S. degree and two or more years to complete a Ph D program.
How many faculty members does The Art Institute of Dallas’s Fashion program have?
Faculty members: 10
What career placement services does The Art Institute of Dallas provide? Students are required to complete an internship, where they are usually placed among top companies or in wholesale or retail markets. Study abroad opportunities are available through the Art Institutes Study Abroad Consortium. Students can further develop their professional connections through the Design Dallas organization and the school’s quarterly fashion show.
All data is as of 2011.