What do Fashion Public Relations Specialists do? Where do Fashion Public Relations Specialists work? FS takes a look:

In the world of fashion, one day you’re in, and the next one, you’re out. Fashion designers, clothing stores, and boutiques stay relevant by creating the best fashions for the times and with the help of a darn good public relations specialist. Public relations specialists handle everything from media to investor relations to help preserve a company’s reputation and increase profitability. In a nutshell, having a public relations specialist on your payroll could mean the difference between keeping your doors open or having to close them.
Fashion Public Relations Specialist Job Description:
Fashion public relations specialists help build and maintain relationships with the media, the public, consumers, investors, industry, the community, and employees. They do this by promoting the company or designer, putting out fires as needed, and keeping the public abreast of everything that happens with and within a company. Simply put, a fashion public relations specialist is the voice of the business.
Fashion public relations specialists work in all areas of fashion including apparel manufacturing, textiles, mainstream retail, high-end retail, design, advertising, and events. They may work independently or with a PR firm.
Becoming a Fashion Public Relations Specialist:
If you’re interested in a career in public relations, a degree in communications, advertising, or public relations, plus experience, will get your foot in the door. If you’re interested in becoming a fashion public relations specialist, you will also need coursework or a degree in fashion management, fashion merchandising, fashion retailing, or fashion design.
To be successful in this field, you must be well versed in the ways of the fashion world. Most employer’s won’t accept anything less. In addition, you will need several years of experience in the fashion and PR industries, and some coursework or experience in business.
Fashion Public Relations Specialist Salaries:
Fashion public relations specialists average $51,280 per year overall. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the middle 50 percent earned between $38,400 and $71,670 in May 2008 and the top 10 percent earned more than $97,910. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $30,140.
It is important to keep in mind that salaries vary greatly depending on factors such as the size and type of company, experience, and even geographic location. For example, PR specialists living in New York average $71,110 per year, while Chicago PR specialists average only $57,540 per year. Self-employed PR specialists may make more or less than the average based on the same factors listed above.
Job Trends for Fashion Public Relations Specialist:
Public relations specialists can expect much faster than average employment growth for the 2008-2018 decade. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of public relations specialists is expected to grow an impressive 24 percent, thanks to an “increasingly competitive global business environment.” PR specialists that specialize in a specific field, such as fashion, and those with a knack for social media are expected to be in high demand.