What do Fashion Design Instructors do? Where do Fashion Design Instructors work? FS takes a look:

Fashion Design Instructor
About Fashion Design Instructor: 

Aspiring fashion designers may work in a variety of different jobs as they claw their way to the top. Some choose to work in retail, while others might wait tables. These jobs offer flexible schedules that leave a significant amount of time for aspiring designers to earn a degree, sharpen their skills, or promote their lines. Retail jobs and waiting tables might pay the bills, but they don’t offer enough income for much else. If you already have a degree and you want to earn full-time money, while working part-time as you work your way up in the industry, becoming a fashion design instructor might be the way to go.

Becoming a Fashion Design Instructor: 

Learning centers, companies, and related organizations may be a bit more relaxed with requirements for fashion design instructors than colleges and universities. This means, many of them will accept a bachelor’s degree in fashion design plus several years of solid experience in the industry. Community colleges and colleges that offer part-time positions may accept a bachelor’s degree as well. The bar for full-time positions at community colleges and 4-year colleges and universities is much higher. To become a full-time fashion design instructor at a community college, you’ll need a master’s degree in the subject(s) you plan to teach.

To become a full-time fashion design instructor at a 4-year college or university, a master’s degree is the minimum requirement, but a doctoral degree is preferred. Dual degrees may also help get your foot in the door because you can teach more subjects. In addition to a degree, most institutions require teaching experience or experience in distance learning environments.

Fashion Design Instructor Jobs & Careers: 

Many fashion design instructors continue to teach long after they’ve established a name in the fashion industry. Their primary responsibility is to teach fashion design courses according to established curriculums. Fashion design instructors might teach courses such as fashion design, introduction to the fashion industry, fashion history, apparel construction, patternmaking, history of textiles, and others.

Fashion design instructors work at colleges and universities, technical schools, art and design schools, community colleges, design centers, learning centers, extension centers, consulting firms, and even at retail companies. 

Fashion Design Instructor Salaries: 

Fashion design instructor salaries vary based on field, rank, type of institution, and geographic area. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports average salaries for postsecondary teachers overall. This will give you an idea of what to expect. Keep in mind that 4-year colleges pay the highest salaries for teachers, and professors earn more than all other types of teachers.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, median annual earnings of all postsecondary teachers in May 2008 were $58,830. The middle 50 percent earned between $41,600 and $83,960. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $28,870, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $121,850. Salaries for full-time faculty averaged $79,439.  By rank, the average was $108,749 for professors, $76,147 for associate professors, $63,827 for assistant professors, $45,977 for instructors, and $52,436 for lecturers. In 2008–09, full-time faculty salaries averaged $92,257 in private independent institutions, $77,009 in public institutions, and $71,857 in religiously affiliated private colleges and universities.

Best Places to be a Fashion Design Instructor: 
Online Alaska Alabama Arizona Mesa Phoenix Tucson Arkansas California Burbank Fresno Oakland Hollywood Inland Empire Long Beach Irvine Los Angeles Monterey Orange County Sacramento San Diego San Francisco Saratoga Stockton Sunnyvale Colorado Colorado Springs Fort Collins Denver Connecticut Bridgeport Farmington Hartford Delaware Dover Newark Florida Ft. Lauderdale Jacksonville Miami Orlando Tampa Georgia Athens Atlanta Gainesville Savannah Hawaii Honolulu Idaho Illinois Carbondale Chicago DeKalb Glen Ellyn Macomb Normal Palatine River Forest Schaumburg Indiana Indianapolis Muncie Lafayette Vincennes Iowa Ames Kansas Manhattan Overland Park Wichita Kentucky Bowling Green Lexington Louisiana New Orleans Maine Maryland Baltimore Princess Anne Massachusetts Boston Framingham Newton Michigan Detroit Hancock Lansing Mt. Pleasant Troy Minnesota Minneapolis Saint Paul Mississippi Missouri Kansas City Montana Nebraska Omaha Nevada Las Vegas New Hampshire New Jersey Newark Paramus West Paterson Woodbridge New Mexico Albuquerque New York New York White Plains North Carolina Charlotte Durham North Dakota Ohio Cincinnati Cleveland Oklahoma Tulsa Oregon Portland Pennsylvania Philadelphia Pittsburgh York Rhode Island South Carolina Charleston South Dakota Tennessee Cookeville Nashville Texas Austin Denton Dallas El Paso Fort Worth Houston Huntsville Lubbock Nacogdoches San Antonio San Marcos Waco Utah Salt Lake City Vermont Virginia Arlington Blacksburg Richmond Sterling Virginia Beach Washington Ellensburg Pullman Seattle West Virginia Fairmont Morgantown Wisconsin Milwaukee Oak Creek Stout Wyoming